Weapons/Template/HG 100mm MG

Revision as of 21:30, 11 February 2023 by Rs28083 (talk | contribs)
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Basic Info

Name: HG 100mm MG
Weight: 6200000 g
Buy For (Basic): $0
Buy For (HG): ${{{HGbuyPrice}}}
Buy For (SP): ${{{SPbuyPrice}}}
Sell For (Basic): $214800
Sell For (HG): ${{{HGsellPrice}}}
Sell For (SP): ${{{SPsellPrice}}}

Technical Data

Stat Normal HG SP
Attack: 600 {{{HGattack}}} {{{SPattack}}}
Accuracy: 80 {{{HGaccuracy}}} {{{SPaccuracy}}}
Range: 700m {{{HGrange}}}m {{{SPrange}}}m
Ammo Type: Machinegun cartridge {{{HGammoTypeName}}} {{{SPammoTypeName}}}
Ammo Capacity: 150 {{{HGammoCap}}} {{{SPammoCap}}}
Ammo per Shot: 6 {{{HGammoUse}}} {{{SPammoUse}}}
Weapon HP: 200 {{{HGhitpoints}}} {{{SPhitpoints}}}