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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */ /* Class Code */ (function () { function colorContent(text, color) { var obj = {}; obj.text = text; obj.color = color; obj.xpath = "//td[contains(text(),'" + text + "')]"; return obj; } /* Active Code */ console.log("on page: " + mw.config.get('wgPageName')); if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Mobile_Suits') { var colorList = [ colorContent('Super High Tensile Steel', '#7b9095') ] for(var i = 0; i < colorList.length; i++) { var colorElement = colorList[i]; var y = document.evaluate( colorElement.xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ); var numLinks = y.snapshotLength; for (var J = 0; J < numLinks; ++J) { var x = y.snapshotItem(J); = colorElement.color } } } }());